Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

The morning is starting out cool and crisp and it's nice. But it won't be too long and it'll be a scorcher, that's for sure.

A lot of festivities go on on this holiday - BBQ's, parties, fireworks.

But how often is this day just looked at as a day to get together? To party?

How often is the reason for this holiday overlooked, or minimized?

I think on this 4th of July, we need to reflect on the meaning of this special day. We need to remember the reasons why we celebrate - our freedom, our independence from an overbearing and unjust country. Especially this year, as we are slowly seeing some of our personal freedoms subtly being placed on the chopping block and voted upon.

Happy 4th of July! However, you may spend the day, be safe, have fun, and remember what the day is about, and truly be thankful.

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