Monday, May 18, 2009

Busy Week

As I've been adding stuff to the calendar over the weekend, once again the coming weeks are busy ones. This week is a busy one, but what awaits me at the end of this week will get me through this busy week with no problem. We will be camping at the beach for this Memorial Day weekend.

This week was busy enough, with today being my only down day, that is until I got the email on Friday afternoon to go to the Dancing with the Stars finale this evening in Hollywood!!! We're leaving by 1:30 as they start taping LIVE at 5:00. We have to really dress up. I'm super excited and I can't believe we're actually going! Steven is picking up Hannah, as well as Cathleen's kids from school, and dropping them off at home to their older sister. Our girls will be here at home while Steven finishes up his work day. I'm thankful that Steven encourages me to go to things that come up despite it being in the middle of his work day. I pray that the kids will cooperate and not bug him from 2:30 until 5:30, when he's normally done working. LOL.

The rest of the week is busy with preschool, the final PTA meeting for this school year, a Praying Parents meeting on Wednesday night, a Bible Study on Thursday night, and all the while packing and getting stuff around for the weekend. I CANNOT wait to be at the ocean and just relax a bit.

And with's time to get Hannah up for school. Have a great Monday! Look for me in the audience of Dancing With The Stars!

1 comment:

Joy Howse said...

I'm looking for you as I am reading your post. Don't see ya yet. Hope you had a wonderful time and enjoy the rest of your BUSY week.


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