Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Great Crash of 2008

Steven broke the news to me on Monday during one of my appearances from quarantine, that the hard drive on my desktop iMac has crashed! Praise the Lord it's still under Apple Care, the warranty for Apple products, and thankfully, he had already made an appointment to take my 'puter in when he told me. We have to take my computer in this evening.

The other thing I am so thankful for is that a few months ago, Steven hooked up the external hard drive to include backing up files on my computer as well as his. So all 30,000+ pictures I have on my computer from the past six years of having a digital camera are still available. The bad news, is that the back up hadn't backed up in ten days for some reason, therefore I lost the pictures I'd taken in the last ten days. The good news is that was anything of real sentimental, extreme importance, ie, the very last preschool Christmas program, Christmas day, etc, etc.

Thankfully, we have a laptop, so I am still able to get online and blog, and read, and play scrabble! :) But it's a lot different than my 20 inch desktop!


Liz said...

I know. I go into withdrawals when we have computer trouble.

Joy Howse said...

Thank goodness for backups!! I need to get a current back up done. Hopefull you will be back on the road again soon with your desktop. :)

Darcy said...

Serious withdrawals here when internet is down. About a month ago, our internet had been shut off (yea, gotta love the cable provider) and it was AWLFUL!!!!

Kim said...

Ryan has earned like almost three hours of computer time (he has to read one minute for every minute of computer time) but hasn't been able to play on the computer cuz it's been dead...he's not exactly going through withdrawals, but he is wanting to use the computer badly!

This isn't exactly related, but I had to share...Ed came home from a vendor workshop thingy last night and announced he wants to get a Mac! I've been saying for a while now that we shouldn't replace our dying (now completely dead) desktop PC but should save and get a Mac. Looks like we might be doing that! Of course, it may be years before we get it, but at least I have something to look forward to. :D

Darcy said...

Oooo. If you get a Mac, then you'd have a built in webcam and we can do video chats! It was pretty cool seeing Scott, Laura, and Alisha on Thanksgiving! We could have ourselves one major online family reunion! :)

Kim said...

I actually have a built-in webcam on my laptop, but Steven and I couldn't get the chat to work when we tried a while back (a long while).

Darcy said...

Oh! Well, a Mac will definitely be easier to use. :)

Robbie said...

The external HD is great, but what do you do when THAT fails? I had the same situation; an external HD will all my photos and mp3s and one day it died and information recovery was too expensive to even consider. It might be worth backing up all that stuff to DVD every once in a while.

Darcy said...

I couldn't remember who'd had their external die. It was you. I have a whole stack of DVD's I'll going to back up my pictures on once I get my desktop back in a week or two.


Hello. Is there anybody out there?? I've neglected my blogs for so long, I'm sure I'm just talking to myself. Which is fine. T...