Friday, May 9, 2008

Heading into Mother's Day Weekend...

It's Friday and we are on the brink of Mother's Day weekend.

I have mixed feelings when it comes to Mother's Day. While I like acknowledging my own mother and all she's done as a mom, and while I like feeling like a queen for the day, what I don't like are the mushy poems, the mushy cards, when they are given to me. Any other holiday, I enjoy them. But for Mother's Day, truth be told, I don't feel worthy of all the mush and beautiful poetry. I don't measure up to what they are expressing.

Any other mother's feel that way??


Kim said...

I do feel like an unworthy mother, but I also know what a hard day this is for so many people that it's hard for me to truly enjoy the day too. For some odd reason those feelings have never completely left me.

(See, I am commenting more!) LOL

Anonymous said...

Well, I have one child who gives me mush and the other has given me cards that say,how glad I should be that I have them for a child. I get a good balance of mush and silly. It keeps it real for me!

Gosh, when you give me those mushy cards, I believe every word. You telling me now I shouldn't?? LOL

Sometimes we get cards like that because the person giving the card can more easlily express what they want to say rather than say it.

You're a good Mom...don't forget it.
Love, MOM


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