Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Half Way to 70"

In our family, it's a birthday tradition for my Dad to point out what age you are half way to. And today, I am officially half way to 70. :::gasp::: Today, I am 35 years old.

I have reached that age whereas commercials for particular medications for women have specific warnings for those over 35. I have reached that age, whereas my GYN wants me to have a baseline mammogram. And I have reached that age whereas I am strangely suffering from extremely high blood pressure the last couple of days and must visit my primary doctor on Friday. Am I too young to say "it sucks getting older?". LOL.

But today, I will set all that aside, and go be goofy and have a good time at The Happiest Place on Earth with my Mom, Uncle Bart, and Rachel. I am very much looking forward to it!
Picture taken last weekend at Disneyland.


Kim said...

Happy Birthday, Darcy! I hope you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

You were right, Darcy, as I said this morning on the phone, you are half way to 70. Happy Birthday!
Love, Dad

Joy Howse said...

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Darcy. Happy Birthday to you!!!! Be thankful I sang it to you here and not in person since I do not have a good singing voice. Hope you have a blessed day.


Hello. Is there anybody out there?? I've neglected my blogs for so long, I'm sure I'm just talking to myself. Which is fine. T...