Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Poor Neglected Blog

I can hardly believe it's almost been a month since I posted anything here on my blog. It sure hasn't been for a lack of anything to post about, because life has been crazy busy.

It's raining this morning, and I'm almost caught up on laundry (not that either of those have anything to do with one another) but I have a few minutes to sit and write a quick blog post before heading to pick up the girls from school (Wednesdays are minimum days) and then this afternoon, Rachel has speech.

All is good. Just been busy. Crazy busy. But I do have a lot of things to write about - including a new home for our church, meeting Pioneer Woman!!, and lots of other little things!

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Hello. Is there anybody out there?? I've neglected my blogs for so long, I'm sure I'm just talking to myself. Which is fine. T...