Saturday, October 2, 2010

Catching Up and Cleaning Up

Today has been deemed one of those days to clean up and catch up.

It's been a busy week around our house and this next coming week will be a busy one as well. So today, I'm catching up on laundry, taking care of little piles here and there, cleaning out the email box and taking care of things in there, as well as having a couple of things I'd like to tackle in the garage.

The girls are also catching up. They are catching up on chores and cartoons and are so far playing nicely together with a craft set that Rachel got for her birthday.

And Steven, he's on an overnight mens campout and is due to return sometime today...

Happy Saturday!

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Hello. Is there anybody out there?? I've neglected my blogs for so long, I'm sure I'm just talking to myself. Which is fine. T...