Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ten Things About My Momma

1. She's been a stay at home Mom just about all of my life. There was a short stent where she worked at the needlepoint store, but not for long. She's a stay at home mom to this day and I'm 35 years old. I love still having my Mom be at home for when I, or my own daughters, need her.

2. She's a good cook. Growing up, my Mom always made good meals, we're not talking Hamburger Helper, grilled cheese, or other simple meals, we're talking the kind of meals she put thought and effort into. Following the year that my Gramma died, she put together a spiral bound cookbook of all our families' favorite recipes. I know it's because of her example, that I am the kind of cook I am today for my own family.

3. She has a great fear of lizards. Runs in the family. About a year ago, there was a lizard in the house, and my Dad was at work, and she called me of all people to come and help her get the lizard out of the house. Steven so graciously rescued my Mom by going over in the middle of the work day to save her from the lizard. LOL.

4. She writes great devotions. The Lord has blessed her with a gift for writing devotions. Someday, she hopes to have them published, but for now, she keeps them on a blog, Beside Still Waters.

5. She and my Dad will be married for 40 years next January. They only knew each other 2 weeks before becoming engaged.

6. Was born in Holland, Michigan, and moved to Southern California when she was 13. It was a culture shock even back then.

7. My mom was involved in the Women's Ministry for many, many years in several different positions. She was one of the Bible Fellowship teachers for many years, and continues to do some 'speaking engagements' from time to time now. Her next one will be at her church tea at the end of the month.

8. My mom Has a strong place in her heart for teaching Titus 2, where the older women teach the young. She's a big time supporter of stay at home moms and taking care of ones family. She's always a huge encourager to me in this area.

9. All four of her granddaughters think she looks like the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella. Whenever any of them see the Fairy Godmother they shout "There's Gramma!".

10. She's the best Mom any kids could have and I'm so glad she's my Mom.

Happy Mother's Day Mom! I Love You!


Letti said...

What a sweet tribute to your Mom, Darcy.

Happy Mother's Day.

Darcy said...

Thanks, Letti!

Happy Mother's Day to you too! Just think, next year for Mother's Day, you'll have one more blessing to be a mother to!

Joy Howse said...

What a great post to your mom. And now that you mention it, I can see where the grandkids think she looks like the Fairy Godmother. :) Too cute.
Happy Mother's Day to you!!

Patty said...

Wow, what a way to end a great Mother's day weekend. Thank you daughter of mine...I love you too!


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