Friday, January 30, 2009

Sweet on Soldiers Drive

For the last 2-3 weeks, Hannah's schoo has been collecting things for the Sweet on Soldiers drive. We were collecting things such as boot socks, foot powder, batteries, toothbrushes, toothpaste, beef jerky, snack bars, magazines, and a few other things. The other thing we were also collecting were homemade Valentine Cards to send overseas with our donations.

The collection ended today.

I was at the school this morning, helping gather the boxes out of all the classrooms, and then counting and sorting, etc. I was amazed at the outpouring and overwhelming support our school families so generously gave. We collected over 8,600 items, and over 1,600 homemade Valentines!!

1 comment:

Joy Howse said...

That is so awesome!! I know the soldiers will be so thankful for their thoughtfulness.


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