The special is a 15 oz jar for just .99 cents!! With a limit of four. The regular price of the Skippy All Natural Peanut Butter is $3.29 at this store normally, but I usually can find it at Target or Walmart for $2.29.
We hit one store on our way to church, me in one line with my four, Hannah in another line with her four. Then we hit another store after church on our way home, again, me and Hannah each with separate orders. I have sixteen jars, yes you read that right, sixteen jars of peanut butter!!!
If you go by the price this store normally sells this at, sixteen jars at 3.29 each would have cost me $52.64. Or if I had bought it at Target or Walmart for $2.29 each, sixteen jars would have cost me $36.64. But instead, because of this sale, I only spent $15.84!!! Pretty good savings on something we will definitely be using!!!
Incase you're wondering why I have two jars of regular Skippy, I bought those to make some peanut butter balls that my mother in law has a recipe for. And I'm not sure how the recipe would do with the all natural PB.
Which store?? Maybe it's on special here too?! We go through about the same amount as you (Ryan loves it on frozen waffles.)
I can usually get it for $2.28 and sometimes $2, but I've never seen it for $ .99!
(Yeah, you don't want to mess with the peanut butter balls!) ;)
You don't have the grocery store chain up there that I bought it at. The sale is at Stater Bros.
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